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“Members of his family were shouting, saying that I had no right to report the case to the police, that it was a family issue that should be treated as one. “By the time we came back from the hospital, the IPO said it was a family issue and that we should go home and settle

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The doctor said there had been no penetration, but that there is an opening in her vagina and advised that the victim be tested for infection. “He was arrested later by the police, who gave me a report to take my daughter to the hospital. I reported a case of defilement to Ebenezer Divisional Police and the policemen invited my husband for questioning. “I confronted my husband when he returned from work but he denied vehemently.

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She said it was her father that always touched her private parts and that after touching her private parts, he would give her money. I asked her if anyone was fiddling with her private parts. “Immediately, I called her inside the room and asked her what the problem was.

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