California flag gay pride shirt

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In attendance were gay Morgan Hill City Councilmember René Spring and Ivan Rosales Montes, a gay man on the city's public school district board.

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Unveiled in June 2018 by nonbinary designer Daniel Quasar, that version of the rainbow flag includes a chevron with the colors of the transgender flag, as well as brown and black stripes to denote people of color. Leaders in the South Bay city of Morgan Hill got a jumpstart to the annual Pride Month observances by raising the Progress Pride flag at their City Hall Saturday, May 21. A number of California cities and counties are also marking the first statewide Queer and Transgender Asian and Pacific Islanders Week, which began Sunday and runs through Saturday. Cities around the Bay Area are marking the start of Pride Month this week with flag raising ceremonies and preparing to celebrate with their LGBTQ residents at various events throughout June.

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